Return Policy

Dunamis America Return Policy:

  • You have up to 30 days to return a product for exchange or refund.
  • You must contact Dunamis America to receive a return authorization number before returning a product to us.
  • You are responsible for the cost to return a product to Dunamis America.
  • If the product is deemed defective by Dunamis America, we will reimburse you for the cost to return to us the defective product.
  • If one tries on a product to see if it fits, the product will still be considered new unless one wears the product for a period of time.
  • Only not worn products may be exchanged for a replacement or one can receive a full refund.
  • We will pay for sending one replacement product back to you.
  • You cannot return a replacement product back to Dunamis America and receive another replacement product.
  • If you return a replacement product back to Dunamis America, you can only receive a refund if the product is deemed new or defective by us.

Contact Phone For Return Authorization: (617) 592-2428

Return Address: Dunamis Global Initiative, Inc 10 Walnut Hill Park, Suite 3F Woburn, MA 01801